13 Feb 2025

The Link Between Insomnia and Anxiety 

Insomnia is a medical term that refers to difficulty sleeping. This difficulty sleeping can also include: Waking up feeling tired Trouble with REM sleep Difficulty falling asleep Anxiety on the other hand is defined as the body’s natural response to stress. When you are anxious,…


8 Ways to Boost Your Energy Levels 

Fun fact: a normal human adult brain consumes more than 20% of the body’s total energy under normal resting conditions. Without adequate energy, we feel sluggish, unable to stay awake, and end up drinking copious amount of coffee just to get to lunchtime. There are…


History of THC 

TheWith cannabis products becoming increasingly popular with more states legalizing cannabis for medicinal and recreational use, and with the passing of the Farm Bill, people across the country are expressing their curiosity about this plant. There are now many cannabis products on the market today,…


Benefits of Pre-Workout for Athletes 

There is a great deal of debate surrounding whether or not pre-workout drinks can benefit an athlete’s training program. What most people don’t realize is that there are many different types of pre-workout products on the market today each having its own purpose and effects…