Widespread testing options for coronavirus disease 2019 are still in the early stages of development; however, drive-up testing locations are increasingly popular. People can now purchase a COVID-19 test from their car, similar to ordering fast food and performing their tests.

You should know about a drive-through COVID-19 test and the various testing alternatives for Covid-19. There are also several RT PCR Tests in Mumbai. COVID-19 testing is required to keep the hazardous disease away from spreading further. COVID-19 testing can assist people in figuring out if they have been infected with the virus so they can self-isolate and stop the pandemic from spreading further. There are two types of coronavirus tests: diagnostics for COVID-19 and antibody tests. However, one test is gaining a lot of traction these days named the mobile RT-PCR test. As the name implies, the mobile RT-PCR test is the mobile laboratory that has been approved by the ICMR and the National Academy of Sciences. It has the capability to check 1500- 1000 samples each day.

Even though both tests can detect COVID-19, they are employed for distinct objectives. The RT PCR Test in Mumbai provides results in just 2-3 hours. The antibody test looks for coronavirus antibodies in the blood to see if someone has ever been exposed to COVID-19.  

What is the COVID-19 Detection Test? 

By scanning for genetic material or specific proteins on the virus’s surface, the COVID-19 diagnostics test can assist in establishing if someone has an active coronavirus infection. Most COVID-19 diagnostic tests use the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) approach to diagnose a current infection. The RT PCR Test in Mumbai is becoming popular.

In coronavirus testing, the RT-PCR test is of the best standard. During a PCR test, a health care professional will collect a mucus sample from the patient’s nose or throat with a cotton swab. After that, the sample is transferred to a laboratory for analysis. In the sample, laboratory technicians will look for evidence of virus genetic material. If the evidence is found, there is the possibility that the person might suffer from covid. 

What is the RT-PCR Analysis Test? 

The use of RT-PCR testing to diagnose an active COVID-19 infection is a quick and accurate procedure. An RT PCR Test in Mumbai can be done in a hospital, clinic, home, or one’s car. To protect health care workers and prevent future transmission of the dangerous disease, several health care practitioners prescribe a drive-through COVID-19 test. In drive-through venues, the 99 percent accuracy of COVID-19 RT-PCR testing is not compromised, and it provides accurate results.

The specificity rate of the RT-PCR test is about 100%, while the sensitivity rate (ability to identify those who do have the disease) is around 67%. You can look for the RT PCR Test in Mumbai and get yourself diagnosed. This indicates that while RT-PCR tests do not produce false positives, they have a 30-35 percent possibility of producing false negatives.  

Know About Drive-Through COVID-19 Test 

A drive-through test for the COVID-19 virus is the most effective way to diagnose an active infection so as to prevent the disease from spreading further. According to studies, coronavirus transmission is substantially lower outside and in well-ventilated places; therefore, drive-through tests allow for higher safety standards than office visits. Coronavirus transmission rates are higher in an indoor location than in an outdoor space. The researchers discovered that a person infected with COVID-19 might infect dozens of people if not diagnosed earlier. 

Know About Mobile RT-PCR Test

The mobile RT-PCR test is ICMR approved and it is providing access to testing to people. Compared to the drive-through test, this is the kind of lab that goes to people. Many cities like Jharkhand, Kerala have access to mobile RT-PCR vans. 

Such testing vans are equipped with all kinds of laboratory equipment that is needed for the testing. Plus the turnaround time is impeccable. One can get accurate results in houses, no need to wait around for days. And based on the result, you can start preventive measures like isolation, assessment, and treatment.

However, no test is without flaws. There is always the possibility that a test will yield a misleading result. A false negative for diagnostic tests means the test indicates you do not have COVID-19, but you are infected, and a false positive means the test says you have COVID-19 but aren’t infected. As a result, even if you get a negative result, you should continue to practice COVID prevention measures such as keeping a safe distance, washing your hands, and wearing masks.