When a doctor recommends palliative care like Hospice & Palliative Care Dallas, the first thing that comes in mind is: what is palliative care? It is the care given to someone suffering from an illness to treat his/her symptoms and side-effects, both physically, mentally, and emotionally. This care continues alongside curative treatment. It makes palliative care different from hospice.
Difference between Palliative Care and Hospice Care
When a doctor recommends a hospice like Hospice Dallas or a palliative care provider, people often get confused between both the terms. The most common stark difference is that palliative care treats symptoms alongside curative medication, whereas hospice care’s main purpose is the therapy of symptoms and side-effects of any disease (usually terminal). Hospice doesn’t involve any remedial therapy and starts after the curative treatment is stopped. Another difference is that hospice care occurs at the person’s residence. But, palliative care needs an institution such as a hospital with all the proper facilities. Also, a patient should have a life expectancy of 6 months or less to get hospice care. A palliative patient needs no such condition.
Who gives the care in palliative care?
A palliative team of any hospice or palliative care provider (let’s say AmeriPrime Hospice LLC) consists of various types of doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, volunteers, and carers. Physicians, surgeons, and psychiatrists are also a part of the team. Allied health professionals include counselors, dieticians, physiotherapists, psychologists, etc. Carers and volunteers are mostly the family and friends of the patient.
What problems does palliative care addresses?
A grave illness not only affects the patient physically, mentally, and emotionally, it forms a deep impact on the family too. Palliative care addresses all these problems related to the illness along with curative therapy. Physical effects or symptoms addressed include pain, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, nausea, etc. Palliative care uses nutritional guidance, physiotherapy, and other techniques, along with medicines, to combat these symptoms. For emotional distress, it provides counseling and support groups to patients and their families.
Note: Hospices, such as Hospice Dallas, also provide these facilities (minus the curative treatment).
Who can choose Palliative Care?
Anyone (of any age) with a serious or lifelong illness can benefit from palliative care. Unlike hospice care, it is not limited to patients who have limited life left. People suffering from cancer, heart and lung diseases, kidney failure, dementia, AIDS, etc can get the desired assistance and help from palliative cares like Hospice & Palliative Care Dallas to improve their life.
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