Rock climbing gets tougher when you start to perform better. It is one of the sport’s cruelest blows. When you become tired of climbing the same old routes, new ones are added, and they’re longer, steeper, and have fewer, closer grips. There are fewer of those nice large jug holds that you’ve used to pull yourself up the wall, and in their place, there are an increasing number of small crimps, slopers, pinches, and pockets requiring much stronger finger grip. 

Consider hangboarding if you’ve noticed that finger strength is the primary thing standing between you achieving the following climbing level. 

How do you hangboard? 

Hangboarding, as the name suggests, is a method of practicing rock climbing that requires you to hang from a POWER GUIDANCE Rock Climbing Hangboard Portable Wood Hangboard to develop your finger strength. A hangboard, often referred to as a fingerboard, is typically made of plastic or wood and is attached to a wall at home. It frequently resembles a tiny section of a traditional indoor climbing wall. However, some simpler ones merely resemble a wooden rail. Then you may incorporate hangboarding workouts into your daily schedule, where you’ll simply conduct brief intervals while hanging in different grips, by commonly attaching it over a door to ensure you have the freedom to hang from it. 

There are several distinct hangboarding programs available. However, you will essentially warm up with some simple climbing or some pull-ups and dead hangs utilizing the top of the board. Afterward, choose a grip you wish to improve on, hang for a maximum of ten seconds, take a brief break, and repeat it four to six times. After a brief period of rest, perform a second set using a smaller or different grip. 

To use larger muscles while hanging, such as your biceps, rhomboids, and lats, you should keep your elbows slightly bent and draw your shoulders down. If you don’t, your entire body weight will be supported by the delicate tendons in your fingers, increasing the risk of tendon rupture and strain. 

How well does hangboarding work? 

Hangboarding can be beneficial in enhancing your hand and finger strength during a static hold. However, the effectiveness of any equipment relies on how it is used. It all truly comes down to what you want to achieve. 

You could benefit from utilizing a hangboard to train your fingers to hold on for longer. Hangboarding’s effectiveness truly relies on your goals, which you should choose after considering your shortcomings.