Human blood is a rich source of nutrients and biochemicals. One of these biochemicals is glucose which is the most basic sugar type. It is the body’s main energy-producing substance. The blood usually is glucose-free at 99 mg/dL or less. Any higher than that can indicate pre-diabetes (upto 125 mg/dL) or diabetes (126 mg/dL or higher).
Blood sugar levels that are high can be harmful for a person. Excessive blood sugar can result in damage to many organs in the course of time. This includes the kidneys, eyes as well as nerves and blood vessels. The pancreas produces insulin, which uses glucose to make energy. Unused glucose remains in our blood after it has been consumed by the cells that create our energy. This can be caused by inadequate insulin production by the pancreas, insufficient demands for energy by your body or the improper use of insulin through your body’s mechanism. These elevated glucose levels can result in three forms of diabetes.
Type 1 diabetes is a genetic disorder that is caused by an issue with the immune system. It causes damage or death to insulin-producing pancreatic cells. It is a genetic disease that can affect everyone of any age. However, young adults and children are more likely to be diagnosed. Type 2 diabetes is caused by an individual’s decisions regarding their lifestyle and treatment. Type 2 diabetes is the most prevalent type. It affects almost 90% of diabetics.
The condition is caused by a shortage of insulin production, or a deficiency of insulin needed to make glucose. Gestational diabetes affects many women who are pregnant, yet it is not classified as a third form of diabetes. Gestational diabetics can be a problem for pregnant women. No signs of diabetes are observed until after the baby is born. The body will be able to heal itself from any malfunctions through glucose or insulin.
The two forms of diabetes treatments are mostly brought by an inefficient insulin production and breakdown of glucose. The body has to be supplied with insulin at the level that is needed. For type 2 diabetics who are unable to manage their blood glucose levels with exercising and a healthy diet alone, oral medicines are typically prescribed. The drugs prescribed are usually available in tablet or pill form.
The oral medicines serve several goals, including increasing the body’s capacity to utilise its own insulin effectively controlling blood sugar levels, preventing the absorption of blood sugar as well as increasing the amount of insulin required. There are numerous physical actions one can take to manage diabetes.
The first thing to do is eat nutritious meals that fit the needs of diabetics. The food consumed should be lower in calories, trans fats, salt, saturated fats and sugar. Instead, a diet high in fibre, vitamins minerals, and vitamins should be adhered to. Brown rice and whole grain breads, fruits, skimmed or low-fat milk, and dairy products are all examples of good food options for people who are diabetic. Active living is the second important factor to having a healthy body. It is easy to do exercises such as yoga, stretching and 10-minute walks every day.
Many diabetes patients feel helpless as they believe they will never be free from the “Silent Killer” disease. But that’s not always the truth, though. It is important to remember that you are the sole one who can improve or improve your health. Create a healthy diet plan that outlines your goals and assists you in controlling the symptoms of diabetes. Maintain a consistent, disciplined approach to taking care of your health. Check your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels frequently.
Scott H. Silverman
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