The International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10) serves as a universal tool for diagnosing and categorizing diseases. Among its comprehensive list, the code for aortic stenosis stands out as vital for cardiologists and healthcare providers. This article delves into the specifics of this code and its importance in the medical community.

Understanding Aortic Stenosis

Before diving into the ICD-10 classification, understanding aortic stenosis is essential:

  • Aortic Stenosis Defined: A condition where the heart’s aortic valve narrows, obstructing blood flow from the heart to the aorta and subsequently the rest of the body.
  • Implications: Left untreated, it can lead to serious complications, including heart failure.

ICD-10 Code for Aortic Stenosis

The specific ICD-10 code for aortic stenosis is I35.0. However, it’s worth noting that ICD-10 features other codes related to the aortic valve and its conditions, but I35.0 is specifically designated for non-rheumatic aortic valve stenosis.

Why is the ICD-10 Code Important?

1. Standardization of Diagnosis: The ICD-10 code ensures that healthcare providers across the globe use a unified language for diagnosis, minimizing discrepancies.

2. Billing and Insurance: Accurate ICD-10 coding is critical for proper billing, ensuring that healthcare providers receive compensation and patients get their insurance claims approved.

3. Research and Data Analysis: By classifying diseases with specific codes, researchers can track, analyze, and compare data more efficiently.

When is the I35.0 Code Used?

1. Clinical Diagnosis: If a patient is diagnosed with non-rheumatic aortic stenosis after tests like echocardiograms or cardiac catheterization.

2. Medical Record Keeping: For maintaining consistent patient records, especially when transferring between healthcare facilities.

3. Health Reports: Public health organizations use these codes to monitor the prevalence of various diseases and allocate resources accordingly.

Other Related ICD-10 Codes

While I35.0 specifically pertains to non-rheumatic aortic stenosis, it’s within a family of codes related to aortic valve disorders:

  • I35.1 – Non-rheumatic aortic valve insufficiency
  • I35.2 – Non-rheumatic aortic valve stenosis with insufficiency
  • I35.8 – Other non-rheumatic aortic valve disorders
  • I35.9 – Non-rheumatic aortic valve disorder, unspecified


The ICD-10 coding system, with its specific designations like the I35.0 code for aortic stenosis, is a cornerstone for efficient healthcare operations globally. Whether you’re a healthcare provider, patient, or someone interested in the medical field, understanding the significance and application of such codes is invaluable. Accurate coding ensures streamlined clinical processes, from diagnosis and treatment to research and administrative tasks.