Sciatica is an inflammation of the nerve roots that enter the intervertebral foramen. Sciatica appears suddenly, and the pain is so strong that it is impossible to imagine it without experiencing it.
In 95% of cases, Sciatica is a consequence of osteochondrosis, in the remaining 5% – the result of injuries, hernias, wear and tear and deformation of the spinal column and intervertebral discs.
At the risk of such a disease are people who play sports, who lead a sedentary lifestyle.
Types of Sciatica:
· Cervical;
· Cervicobrachial;
· Chest;
· lumbosacral.
Sciatica can be acute – it appears suddenly, as a consequence of injury or overexertion, and after timely treatment, a person forgets about it for a long time, or chronic.
Until recently, it was believed that mainly elderly people suffer from sciatica, but today this disease is increasingly diagnosed in middle-aged people. This is due to the improper sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, and stress.
What are the signs of Sciatica?
Often, Sciatica can be confused with manifestations of other diseases: varicose veins, flat feet, trauma or diseases of internal organs, which are also characterized by girdle pain.
Sciatica can be distinguished by the following features:
- Pain comes on suddenly.
- Enhanced pain when a person, lying on his back, raises a straightened leg;
- The leg reflexively changes when the sufferer tries to sit up from a prone position;
- Sharp pain when sneezing and coughing ;
- Increased pain when bending the head forward;
- It is difficult to be in one position for a long time, but in a motionless state the pain subsides;
- At night the patient’s condition worsens;
- Sweating appears pallor of the face.
Suffers from above-mentioned symptoms? Don’t delay because it’s high time to contact the Ravenscroft Health professional.
Here’s a quick video which explains what sciatica is and what are the causes of sciatica. Watch it now to grab the quick information about sciatica.
Causes of Sciatica
Compression of the spinal roots is a condition characteristic of Sciatica, which causes the corresponding symptoms. It can develop for many reasons, but the most common of them are:
- Hypodynamia;
- Excessive stress on the spine;
- Being in uncomfortable positions, poor posture;
- Excessive weight exerting stress;
- Hypothermia;
- Genetic predisposition;
- Inflammatory processes in the adjacent soft tissues;
- Concomitant pathologies – osteochondrosis, hernia, protrusion and others.
Prevention of acute sciatica or exacerbations of its chronic form is as follows:
Reduce the amount of physical activity, avoid lifting weights (if the patient’s employment is associated with the need to perform such work, then a fixing corset should be worn at this time);
- Try to bend over as little as possible and not stay in this position for a long time;
- not to be exposed to hypothermia, especially to protect the lumbar region from this;
- If there are problems with being overweight, it is necessary to solve them, since being overweight is the cause of increased stress on the spine;
Performing exercises aimed at developing a natural muscle corset: going swimming, performing a set of special exercises daily.
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