Lack of sleep can have immediate effects, such as irritability, daytime weariness, metabolic problems, and a longer-term impact on your health. In addition to sleep deprivation, you might be experiencing disturbing sleeping if you also have other symptoms, including daytime sleepiness or a loss of muscle control. Please consult a sleep specialist in Singapore.

You can even have check-up appointments with your ENT doctor for sinus treatment in Singapore, especially if it makes it difficult for you to sleep properly.

Learn what a sleep specialist is and the signs for you to see one.

What Is A Sleep Specialist?

A physician who recognises and manages sleep disorders is known as a sleep specialist in Singapore. During residency, most sleep specialists have training in internal medicine, psychiatry, paediatrics, or neurology. They complete a fellowship in sleep medicine after finishing their residency.

Another category of sleep experts includes sleep psychologists. They concentrate on the psychological and behavioural disorders that cause sleep disturbances. Otolaryngologists, sometimes referred to as ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctors, can undertake procedures to treat specific sleep disorders, such as fixing structural difficulties with the mouth, nose, or throat that result in snoring and OSA.

Here are the signs you must not ignore, so see a sleep specialist in Singapore asap!

1. You experience regular sleeplessness.

You can have insomnia if you have problems going to sleep at night. You might have trouble falling asleep and remaining asleep. Some insomniacs may also wake up earlier than necessary in the morning and find it difficult to fall back asleep.

You’re probably fatigued and want to get some rest, which may make insomnia so irritating. But you can’t seem to get to sleep for some reason, which is why you need to consult a sleep specialist in Singapore.

Even though occasional insomnia can be bothersome, it’s usually not a sign of any health problems. It might be time to contact a doctor if you regularly struggle with insomnia.

2. You snooze a lot during the day or have excessive daytime sleeping (EDS).

Sometimes there is a direct correlation between insomnia at night and daytime tiredness. Being overly sleepy during the day can make it challenging to focus at work or school. Additionally, it might make some tasks risky, like using large machines. It is a must that you consult a sleep specialist in Singapore. 

You might also practise behaviours like drinking coffee and taking afternoon naps, making it difficult for you to fall asleep again at night. EDS is distinct from daytime tiredness since it is more intense and can happen regardless of how much sleep you got the night before.

3. You frequently snore while you sleep.

Snoring loudly and frequently at night is a common sign of obstructive sleep apnea or OSA. When you have this risky sleep disorder, the soft tissues in your throat tighten, causing frequent pauses in breathing while you’re asleep. Long-term effects of numerous sleep disorders include an elevated risk of heart disease, excessive blood pressure, and mood disorders. You can have a snoring treatment in Singapore by consulting a sleep specialist.

You can identify the difference between sleep deprivation and a potential sleep problem by keeping track of your symptoms! Contact Dr Gan Eng Cern – Sinus & ENT Specialist in Singapore, for their medical services and know information about how to clear a blocked nose.