Simply put, dental implants north charleston sc are artificial roots that are designed to support a restoration for patients with missing teeth. The dental implant procedure is considered artificial replacement or a certain type of prosthetic dentistry. Dental implant procedure is also considered a type of cosmetic surgery.

Over the years, dental implants have become the preferred option of people with missing teeth. However, while unfortunate to note, not many people are aware of the ins and outs of dental implants. For instance, most people don’t know how much a dental implant costs or if they are a good candidate for one.

Aside from not knowing the cost of dental implants, many also don’t know what the procedure is like or what the requirements are to be qualified for the procedure. Understandably, those who have lost a tooth will feel self-conscious when smiling, talking, or even eating.

In addition, irregularities in the bite secondary to tooth (or teeth) that are missing can also have a negative impact on your eating habits. In some instances, it can even lead to health problems such as malnutrition. Fortunately, with dental implants, you won’t have to worry about any of those things.

Since the dental implants will act as root replacement and will be integrated with the jawbone (the process is called osseointegration), you can expect it to be very sturdy. Aside from that, the artificial teeth will be designed to mimic the natural teeth so it will look, feel, and function just like the natural teeth.

Dental Implants Aftercare Guide

After the placement of the dental implant, a blood clot might form in the area. To ensure post-operative infection, it is crucial that the blood clot stays in place. That said, it is recommended that you observe the following the first 48 hours after the placement of the dental implant:

  • Not vigorously rinsing your mouth as it may rinse away the blood clot
  • Not drinking using a straw
  • Not drinking alcohol or smoking
  • Not disturbing the implant site using the fingers or tongue


It is normal for the surgical site to bleed within the first 24 hours after the placement of the implant. If the bleeding becomes excessive and you can no longer manage to control it, it is recommended that you get in touch with your dentist right away. To keep the bleeding to a minimum, keep the following in mind:

  • Bite on a damp gauze (at least an hour after the procedure)
  • Repeat using fresh gauze every 20 minutes (or as required)
  • Elevate your head with a pillow instead of lying flat
  • Not engaging in strenuous activities (at least the first two or three days after the procedure)


It is also normal to experience some swelling after the procedure. Normally, swelling will reach its peak on the second or third day after the procedure. It is also normal for it to linger for a few days before it resolves on its own. To ease swelling, keep the following in mind:

  • Place an ice pack over the affected area after the surgery
  • Leave the ice packs on for 20 minute intervals
  • After the first 24 hours, ice packs would no longer be needed

Post-Operative Pain

Often, you will be prescribed over-the-counter pain relievers or medications once the local anesthetic wears off. You will be instructed to take the pain medications only as needed. Pain relievers are also likely to make you feel drowsy or sleepy so it is advisable that you don’t operate any machinery or drive your car or any vehicle.