You may think that most people call out sick from work due to the common cold. However, you might be shocked to find that one of the leading causes of call-outs is back pain!

No matter what, back care is often overlooked. It isn’t until you experience pain that you start to wish you had started sooner.

If you’re experiencing pain in your back or want to prevent it, there are tips to help you minimize discomfort and get back to doing the things you love.

  1. Perfect Your Posture

As desk jobs grew in popularity, proper posture decreased. Most of us are hunched over our computers, leading to immense pain and discomfort over the course of time.

Whether sitting or standing, correcting your posture is paramount in preventing pain. You may want to invest in an ergonomic desk chair to help you while you’re working. Similarly, keeping your feet spread and shoulders back when standing can reduce stress on your spine.

  1. Call Your Chiropractor

People visit their dentists regularly for preventative care, so why not visit your local chiropractor? Whether you call your current doctor or visit, you’ll feel like new after you get off the table.

A visit to the chiropractor can help you alleviate neck and back pain! They can also help diagnose more serious problems, like disc issues. You may also find that you sleep better and experience less stress as a result of the decrease in pain.

  1. Sleep Smart

Speaking of sleep, how you snooze may be causing pain in your back.

Though it can be comfortable to sleep on your stomach, it can wreak havoc on your spine. Instead, keep your spine neutral with the support of pillows under your knees to help alleviate lower back problems.

You’ll also want to invest in a high-quality mattress. With so much time spent sleeping, upgrading your mattress to support your back can help you wake up feeling refreshed, rested, and pain-free.

  1. Move Your Muscles

Finally, you’ll want to avoid staying stationary for too long. Though back pain may leave you wanting to lay in bed all day, this can only prolong the pain. Doing light exercise and stretching can help prevent the pain from worsening.

You can prevent back pain by strengthening your muscles. Getting stronger helps keep you on your feet and doing the things you love. Exercise is a general way to stay healthy and strong, but you’ll need to use proper form.

Back Care Tips to Keep You on Your Feet

Back care is nothing to bar your eye at. Chronic back pain is not only uncomfortable, but it can leave you experiencing neck and leg pain also.

Instead of suffering, keeping these back care tips in mind can help you stay pain-free.

If you found these back care tips helpful, you’ll want to check out the rest of our website. There, you can find more great health tips and tricks to ensure you live well.