An ENT expert can assist you with a wide range of ear, nose, and throat issues, like allergies and chronic sinusitis. So, when should you see your primary care physician, and when should you see an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist in Singapore? There are five symptoms and indicators to be aware of to ensure you receive prompt and appropriate care.

#1 Constant Hearing Loss

Experiencing hearing issues for more than a week or two indicates it is time to consult an ear, nose, and throat specialist around Singapore. Anyone can experience temporary hearing loss at any time. However, if the condition persists, it might indicate chronic ear damage. Immediately seek professional help and diagnosis for appropriate treatment.

#2 Pain in Your Sinuses

Your sinuses occupy a substantial section of your face. It can become painful when there is a problem or when it is inflamed. Sinus pain encompasses the face, ear, upper teeth and nose. Visit your ENT specialist clinic in Singapore. They will determine the cause of your sinus discomfort and recommend the best treatment strategy for you.

#3 Persistent Nasal Congestion

You may frequently wake up with a blocked nose or find breathing challenging because your nasal channel is congested. Visit an ENT specialist or surgeon to address these concerns. Constant nasal congestion is not typical and is indicative of a more severe problem. An expert will find out what is causing this and obtain an immediate remedy. The most common reasons for persistent nasal congestion are airborne allergies, infections, and a deviated septum.

#4 Throat Soreness

Sore throats are frequent occurrences, so do not immediately see an ENT professional if you notice one forming. If your sore throat is so severe that you can’t swallow, or if it’s been there for more than a week, you should consult an ENT specialist at a clinic in Singapore. Make an appointment for a comprehensive throat examination to determine whether you have tonsillitis or GERD.


#5 Tinnitus

Tinnitus is a condition in which you have a continual ringing sensation in your ears. It can be an early sign of hearing loss in some people. Hence, it is imperative to have a professional address it. Tinnitus can also indicate an ear infection or another hearing impairment. The best person to do so is an ear, nose, and throat specialist in Singapore. In any case, consult your ENT expert straight away to get it resolved.

Most primary care doctors, allergists, and other specialists send patients to an ENT specialist or surgeon when additional diagnosis, testing, monitoring, or surgery is necessary. They can help determine the cause of recurrent ENT issues and recommend the appropriate treatment. ENTs use medicine and surgery to diagnose and treat various ENT disorders.

Dr Dennis Chua is an ENT specialist who believes in a multidisciplinary and complete approach to human health. They offer ear wax removal and sleep apnea treatment to patients in Singapore. Visit their website to learn more about Dr Chua, his team, their clinic, and their services, or to schedule an appointment with his ENT clinic in Mt Elizabeth.