The American Dream used to be different. It was once a two-car garage in a suburb with a chicken in every pot, a dog for every man, and two children playing in every yard. However, that ideal has changed and has been for decades.
Recent surveys have suggested that over 40% of adults have no plans of having children. To this end, many people are undergoing procedures that restrict their ability to have children, such as vasectomies and tubal ligation.
What is tubal ligation, though, and how well does it work? Can you get pregnant after tubal ligation? We’ll answer those questions in this article.
How Does Tubal Ligation Work?
Tubal ligation is often referred to as having one’s tubes tied, but that’s usually inaccurate. In reality, the Fallopian tubes, which attach to the uterus, are blocked or severed.
This helps prevent pregnancy because the Fallopian tubes serve as the pathway from the ovaries to the uterus where the eggs can be fertilized.
Can You Get Pregnant After Tubal Ligation?
Tubal ligation is a very effective means of birth control, but it’s not guaranteed. The odds are low, though, even compared to other forms of birth control, with only about half-a-percent chance of getting pregnant, and possibly even less.
It should be noted, though, that the chances can fluctuate depending on your age and how long it’s been since you’ve had the operation. For instance, your chances of pregnancy are higher during the first year after tubal ligation, but they drop after that.
Younger women have higher rates of pregnancy after getting their tubes tied. Again, the odds decrease over time, and even at the highest are no higher than 5%.
Pregnancy and Tubal Ligation
While pregnancy after tubal ligation is unlikely, it’s also potentially unsafe. Pregnancy after tubal ligation often results in an ectopic pregnancy. An ectopic pregnancy occurs anytime an egg is fertilized anywhere outside the uterus.
Since the uterus is the only organ capable of accommodating a growing fetus, an ectopic pregnancy is likely to result in severe bleeding and a nonviable fetus.
Suppose you have your tubes tied and decide later that it’s a bad idea, you can always have the procedure reversed. There are a few different ways to reverse tubal ligation, but this procedure is often the best way.
While the procedure for reversing tubal ligation isn’t particularly risky, it’s also not a guarantee. Your chances of getting pregnant after reversal are only 80% at best. The good news is that there are other ways of having a baby, such as using a surrogate or adoption.
Can You Get Pregnant After Tubal Ligation?
Can you get pregnant after tubal ligation? The answer is yes, but it isn’t likely, nor is it safe. We’ve discussed some aspects of tubal ligation and pregnancy after tubal ligation in the paragraphs above, but there’s always more to learn.
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