Braces are a popular orthodontic treatment that helps to achieve a perfect smile. It primarily addresses misalignment of teeth and not your jawbone. Jawbone growth and development issues can impact not just your facial appearance but even functions like chewing, breathing and speech.
Corrective Jaw Surgery fills in the gap between orthodontics and maxofacial surgery. The latter is a broader surgical specialty concerned with correction of anomalies and injuries to face, jaws, and associated structure.
Improper growth and development in your jaw bones can manifest differently. It can impact your facial appearance and essential functions like speech, chewing, and breathing.
SBK Orthodontics delivers the best dental care experience to every person they treat. Ann Arbor Orthodontist offer targeted treatment solutions after careful examinations and assessments.
Some common reasons they suggest corrective jaw surgery are –
- Malocussions – In this condition, the lower and upper jaws don’t meet correctly, thus causing severe bit issues – underbites where the lower jaw protrudes excessively and overbites where upper front teeth significantly cover the lower front teeth.
- Facial asymmetry – If the jaw bones grow unevenly, the imbalance in your facial feature is noticeable. With corrective jaw surgery the jaw bones are aligned to attain a more symmetrical appearance.
- TMJ disorders – Temporomandibular joint disorder involves pain and dysfunction in the jaw joint. In some cases, corrective jaw surgery can address the underlying structural issue causing this issue.
- Sleep disorder – Due to structural issues in your jaw and face, the airway can get blocked when you sleep causing sleep apnea. Corrective jaw surgery enlarges your airway, which in turn will improve your breathing pattern and sleep quality.
- Facial trauma – Injuries to your jaw can cause misalignment and functional issues. Corrective surgery can help to restore the jaw function and appearance after such trauma.
Eligibility for corrective jaw surgery
Your eligibility for corrective jaw surgery will depend on your specific jaw skeletal irregularity and needs.
Some of the common surgery procedures are –
- Maxillary osteotomy – As the name suggests, this surgery focuses on Maxilla, the upper jaw. The bone is surgically separated and transposed to correct issues like facial imbalance, open bites, and overbites.
- Mandibular osteotomy – This surgery addresses the Mandible, the lower jaw. The bone is shifted forward, backward, or rotated to correct underbites or other issues.
- Bimaxillary osteotomy – In some cases, there is a need to correct both the lower and upper jaws. In this procedure, both maxillary and mandibular osteotomies are done in a single surgery.
What to expect?
Corrective jaw surgery involves a team of specialists, so the diagnostic procedures to determine the precise surgical approach will be extensive.
In several cases, braces are used before and after surgery to align the teeth. Braces before helps in surgery preparation, while braces after supports post-surgery precisely. So, the overall treatment time can range for a couple of years.
Hospitalization for some days is essential in this surgery. Recovery is demanding as it involves pain, swelling, and diet constraints.
Corrective jaw surgery is an extensive procedure including days of discomfort and depression. However, the results are rewarding as you will achieve a better facial appearance.
You can breathe with ease and enjoy good sleep. You can even chew properly without the concerns of bite issues. Speak confidently at your next business meeting. The effort and discomfort pays off as you feel more healthy and confident.
Scott H. Silverman
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