Metoprolol, commonly prescribed for high blood pressure, chest pain, and heart failure, belongs to a class of drugs known as beta-blockers. While it’s an effective medication for many, like all drugs, it comes with potential side effects. A common concern among users is whether these side effects will dissipate over time. Let’s delve into this topic.

1. Understanding Metoprolol

Before exploring its side effects, it’s crucial to understand metoprolol’s primary function. By blocking the effects of adrenaline on the heart, metoprolol reduces the heart rate, decreases blood pressure, and reduces the heart’s workload.

2. Common Side Effects

Here are some common side effects users might experience:

  • Dizziness or lightheadedness
  • Tiredness or fatigue
  • Stomach pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Cold hands or feet

3. Do The Side Effects Subside?

  • Initial Reactions: Like many medications, the body can have an initial reaction to metoprolol as it adjusts. Dizziness, for example, might be more prominent in the first few days of taking the drug. For many individuals, these side effects decrease as the body gets used to the medication.
  • Duration & Dosage: The duration and intensity of side effects can also depend on the dosage. Higher doses may cause more pronounced side effects. Over time, your doctor may adjust the dosage, which can alleviate some of the adverse effects.
  • Individual Variation: It’s essential to note that everyone’s body reacts differently. While some people might see side effects diminish after a week, others may take longer.

4. Mitigating Side Effects

If you’re experiencing side effects, consider:

  • Consulting Your Doctor: Always discuss any adverse reactions with your healthcare provider. They might adjust your dosage or suggest another medication.
  • Timing: Taking metoprolol with a meal or right after can reduce the chances of stomach upset.
  • Avoiding Alcohol: Alcohol can exacerbate some of the side effects of metoprolol, such as dizziness or lightheadedness.

5. Serious Side Effects

While many side effects are mild and may diminish over time, some serious side effects require immediate medical attention, such as:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Fainting
  • Shortness of breath
  • Swelling of the hands or feet
  • Depression

If you notice any of these, contact your doctor immediately.


  • Q: How long do side effects generally last?
    • A: While many side effects lessen within a week or two, it can vary based on the individual, dosage, and duration of treatment.
  • Q: Can I stop taking metoprolol if I experience side effects?
    • A: Do not stop taking metoprolol without consulting your doctor. Abruptly discontinuing can lead to severe complications.
  • Q: Are there alternatives to metoprolol if I can’t tolerate its side effects?
    • A: Yes, there are alternative beta-blockers and other classes of heart medications. Discuss options with your doctor.


While metoprolol can offer significant benefits for heart health, the potential side effects can be concerning for some. However, many of these effects are temporary and can decrease as the body adjusts. Always consult with a healthcare provider about any concerns and never make medication changes without their guidance.