So you have decided to purchase a quality delta 8 THC kit. Here’s what to look for when going down the stairs on a cold dark night with a brown paper bag in your hand. People will be watching and waiting..

Okay, so you have decided to purchase a quality delta 8 flower kit. Well here is some advice on what to look for when going down the stairs on a cold dark night with a brown paper bag in your hand. There are no guarantees on this article but then again nobody is perfect 😉

When it comes to collecting money from eager customers there is always someone ready to take advantage of one’s weaknesses… do not let them get away with it! Study hard before going out of your way to buy delta 8 flower the stuff. The following information is mainly for beginners and advanced users alike

When it comes to collecting money from eager customers there is always someone ready to take advantage of one’s weaknesses… do not let them get away with it! Study hard before going out of your way to buy the stuff. The following information is mainly for beginners and advanced users alike.

First, check out the appearance of the trichome heads: wet or dry? Trichomes should be cloudy and opaque, never transparent (unless under blacklight), and they should come off completely when rubbed between fingers; if they feel sticky, like little grains glued together, then you’re in trouble! On a side note: you’re looking at buds that contain less than 1% THC, so just forget it!

First, check out the appearance of the trichome heads: wet or dry? Trichomes should be cloudy and opaque, never transparent (unless under blacklight), and they should come off completely when rubbed between fingers; if they feel sticky, like little grains glued together, then you’re in trouble! On a side note: you’re looking at buds that contain less than 1% THC, so just forget it!

Some people will tell you that all seeds are viable. This is not true. When buying feminized these days about half fail to grow correctly due to quality/reliability issues with feminized seed breeders (who typically sell their stock for 10 times the price of regular seed).