Around 22 million Americans live in recovery after substance-use disorder, which shows there’s hope.

A less talked about issue is the boredom that arises during this time and how to combat it. Although it feels like such a large issue, there are small adjustments you can make that will alleviate the boredom. Perhaps you’re currently struggling with this and you’re looking for advice on the matter.

Hit the nail on the head? No worries; you’ve come to the right place. Here is how to beat boredom when you’re in recovery.

Rearrange Your Schedule

One of the top recovery efforts is rearranging your schedule. If you’re frequently bored, fill your day with activities that will keep you engaged. You should also write out your entire week so you can follow a strict structure.

Set a Timer

When you’re bored and in addiction recovery, it’s wise to set a timer. The key is to start an activity and turn on the stopwatch for 10 minutes as it gives you enough time to ease into the project. This will teach you to persist and overcome the initial resistance, which will get easier over time.

Try Something New

Anyone who has recently left drug rehab should fill their time with new activities. For instance, try a unique hobby or take a language lesson. Not only will it keep you engaged, but you will leave feeling fulfilled.

Join a Support Group

If you’ve struggled with drug abuse, make sure you’re regularly attending support groups. Joining a meeting will quickly stop boredom and let you form bonds with others in your situation, which helps with recovery. Note, that you can find these groups through your sponsor, doctor, or therapist if you’re not sure where to start.

Work Towards a Goal

Once you’ve left the rehab center, outline goals that you can work towards. Being goal-orientated lets you stay focused on your interests and fill time. Plus, striving towards goals will also boost your self-esteem.

Disconnect from Social Media

Although social media is temporarily entertaining, it could cause sensory overload. This will stop you from focusing on your favorite hobbies or keeping yourself entertained. Instead, spend time on your smartphone sparingly and get active instead, such as going on a walk.

Practice Mindfulness

An effective way of alleviating boredom is practicing mindfulness. You could download a meditation app and carve 10 minutes every morning to refocus your mind. Or, if you’re feeling restless when you’re out, focus on your breathing and boredom will lose its power.

Journal Your Feelings

Patients in recovery can ease boredom by journaling. This is a great way for exploring your feelings and relieve tension. Plus, it lets you pass the time in a meaningful way.

Beat Boredom Today

Although feelings are impossible, there are thousands of ways to beat boredom when you’re in recovery.

You should spend time discovering new hobbies and disconnecting from social media. It’s also important to regularly practice mindfulness and join a support group to stay on track. Good luck!

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