Hair grows everyone on human skin, except for on your eyelids, in the palms of your hands, and a few other places. While this is true, most people pay the most attention to the hair on your head.

Because of this, if you are dealing with thinning hair or more severe hair loss, you may be self-conscious about the situation. Unfortunately, many people don’t realize that several types of hair loss can occur.

Learning more about some of the most common types can help you better understand your situation and begin exploring hair replacement options.

Androgenetic Alopecia

People who lose their hair may suffer from androgenetic alopecia. In fact, 30 million women and 50 million men in the U.S. are dealing with this issue.

Androgenetic Alopecia is more commonly called female or male pattern hair loss. While the condition is hereditary, it can be managed with medication or surgery. A common treatment for this condition is hair transplantation by Dr. Jacono.

Involutional Alopecia

Hair naturally thins as a person ages. This process is called involutional alopecia.

As time passes, more hair follicles go into the resting phase. The hairs that remain start to become fewer, finer, and shorter.

Alopecia Areata

Have you noticed patchy hair loss recently? If so, alopecia areata may be to blame. While this is true, it is important to note that this condition is commonly seen in young adults and children.

Sometimes, complete baldness results. However, in about 90% of individuals who experience this, the hair will grow back after a few years.

Telogen Effluvium

With telogen effluvium, follicles on your scalp go into the resting phase of hair growth. The official name for this phase is telogen.

The problem is that the next phase does not ever begin. Because of this, hair begins to fall out, and no new hair grows.

On average, a person loses about 100 hairs per day. This is normal and natural. With telogen effluvium, you begin losing 300 to 500 hairs a day.

While the condition is not likely to cause baldness, it can make hair thinner and result in patchy, bald areas in some people.

Anagen Effluvium

When someone loses hair quickly after medical treatment, the condition is called anagen effluvium. A common medical treatment that causes this is chemotherapy.

The fast-acting and potent medications will kill the cancer cells in your body and halt the production of hair follicles on your scalp and on other parts of your body.

Understanding the Different Types of Hair Loss

As you can see from the information above, there are many types of hair loss that you may experience. Understanding some of the most common types can help you better understand why your hair may not be growing like it used to.

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