Around 70% of Americans experience a traumatic event by 16.

Processing trauma is complex for everyone. It’s especially hard for a child or teen who doesn’t yet fully understand their own emotions. Being unable to work through this trauma in healthy ways can lead to adverse long-term problems.

It’s not uncommon for traumatic childhood experiences to shape people’s lives as adults. Learning about adverse childhood experience (ACE) events can help you ensure a child is supported through trauma.

Getting children help after trauma is the best way to ensure it doesn’t affect their adult lives. If you’re an adult that has already suffered childhood trauma, learning about it is the first step to recovery.

Read on to find out more.

Impact on Physical Health In Adulthood

Many people don’t realize that there are physical implications of unresolved ACEs. People with high ACE scores are more likely to get heart disease, diabetes, cancer, liver disease, and strokes.

Additionally, women with above-average ACE scores often develop autoimmune diseases. ACEs can cause these long-term health problems by switching on and off specific genes and changing the body’s stress response.

Follow the link to read more about the impact of ACES on long-term health.

Impact on Mental Health In Adulthood

It’s not surprising that underage abuse or trauma can have a detrimental effect on mental health. However, there is science behind this change that you may not know about.

The developmental years are crucial for how your brain is wired. When children experience trauma, their brains can change. The areas that process fear, decision making, and impulse control remain underdeveloped.

Therefore, adults with ACEs are more likely to struggle with complex emotions. Adults without ACEs could process similar emotions without difficulty. Additionally, these individuals are more likely to suffer from depression and anxiety.

Impact on Relationships In Adulthood

Finally, it can be difficult for people with unresolved childhood abuse or trauma to form healthy adult relationships.

Because of the underdevelopment of impulse control centers, these people are more likely to engage in risky behavior. Because of this, it makes long-term, healthy relationships difficult.

Unfortunately, people who experience or witness abuse in childhood are more likely to suffer domestic abuse. This is often due to self-esteem issues or because they choose partners who mimic what they’ve seen before.

They also often struggle with social issues, poor work performance, and high-stress sensitivity.

Impact of Traumatic Childhood Experiences Explained

These are just a few ways that traumatic childhood experiences can affect you in later life. Whether you want to support a child or heal yourself, you’ve taken the first step.

It’s important to deal with these problems rather than repress them if you want a long and happy life. Although, we know this isn’t always easy. Start looking for trauma treatment for youth salt lake city ut and seek help for the trauma takes over your mind. 

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