Did you know that 47.2% of grownups over the age of 30 have some type of periodontal disease?

Staying informed about what causes periodontitis will help you avoid this mouth disease. We have put together this short guide to share the ins and outs of this gum disease.

Read on to learn more about periodontal disease and tips to help avoid it.

What Causes Periodontitis?

If you weren’t aware, our mouths are full of bacteria. All of the bacteria join the mucus and other particles found in the mouth and end up forming a sticky plaque on top of each tooth. If the plaque is not removed while brushing and flossing, then it ends up hardening.

If this happens, then it will form a tartar that brushing alone won’t take away. You will need professional dental services to get rid of the tartar 100%. If you do not have a dentist or dental hygienist remove this tarter, it will lead to periodontal gum disease.


One of the most common symptoms is having persistent bad breath that will not go away. Also, you will have loose teeth and sensitivity. A few other symptoms include:

  • Pain while chewing
  • Gums bleeding easily
  • Pus between gums and teeth
  • Spaces developing in between your teeth
  • Swollen gums
  • Tender gums
  • Bright red gums
  • Receding gums (gums pulling away from teeth)

If you are dealing with any of these symptoms, call your dentist immediately for a checkup.


There are different treatment options, depending on the severity of the disease. No matter the treatment your dentist chooses, the main goals are to control the infection in the mouth and reattach the healthy gums to the teeth.

There are nonsurgical therapies to help control bacterial growth, or in some cases surgery to help restore supportive tissues in the mouth. A nonsurgical option will be a very deep clean that is done under local anesthesia to remove all of the tartar below the gum line.

A common surgical treatment is lifting the gums back to remove the tartar. The gums are then put back in to place so the tissue fits back around the tooth with no spaces.

Tips to Avoid Gum Disease

Do not only brush your teeth once a day, take the time to brush twice per day minimum. Also, do not skip flossing. Make it a habit to floss regularly because this will help remove plaque that gets stuck between the teeth that you can’t brush away.

If you are a smoker, it is best to quit now because it increases the chances of getting gum disease. Visiting the dentist every six months is another way to avoid dealing with gum disease in the future. A dentist will take the time to examine your teeth and with regular cleanings, you should be able to avoid periodontitis.

Feeling Like a Periodontitis Pro?

We hope that now that you know what causes periodontitis along with the symptoms to look out for, you can improve your gum health. Gum disease can lead to many other issues, so don’t neglect your dental health.

Feel free to continue browsing the rest of this section for more tips and tricks.