According to the Tamil Nadu Cancer Registry Project, more women than men are facing Prostate Cancer in the state. The best care and attention are being paid to bringing this down through cancer treatment in Chennai

Check out this post to see what can be done if cancer has progressed to an advanced stage one cancer treatment hospital in Chennai. The most prevalent kind of cancer in women, representing 26% of all new cases in American men, is prostate cancer. It’s also the second leading cause of death from cancer.

What are the symptoms? 

You may notice one or more of these.

  • Painless swelling or enlargement. 
  • A change in how you urinate, such as the frequent need to pee, blood in your urine or nocturia.

Prostate cancer is slow-growing cancer, so it may be years before symptoms appear. Prostate cancer’s most typical signs and symptoms include:

  • Pain in the back or side of the abdomen.
  • An ache near your groin area that lasts longer than three months and doesn’t go away after you take pain medicine (like ibuprofen or aspirin).

While there are no tests to diagnose prostate cancer, a blood test can check for levels of PSA (prostate-specific antigen). This is a protein made by cells in the prostate gland that can be released into the blood when those cells become abnormal because of an increase in growth.

The treatment of choice for most prostate cancers is surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. Surgery is the most often used treatment for prostate cancer. It removes the tumor and some surrounding tissue damaged by cancer. The surgeon may also remove parts of your bladder, rectum or nearby lymph nodes (glands). 

To prevent cancer cells from harming healthy cells nearby, radiation treatment uses high-energy x-rays to kill cancer cells in a treated area while they are still growing or have ceased proliferating. 

A cream called brachytherapy uses tiny pellets filled with radioactive material inserted into your rectum to kill only cancerous cells in this area rather than normal ones nearby, too; this is done under local anesthetic, so there should be no pain during treatment sessions! 

Kill off rapidly dividing cells throughout the entire body, including those already dead due to processes such as necrosis (swelling), etc. Other treatments include hormone replacement therapy which aims at helping men retain sex drive after being diagnosed with low testosterone levels, but there are risks associated with its use so ask about these before proceeding any further along this path.

Lately, doctors have turned their attention to more targeted treatments that hit only slow-growing, early-disease-stage tumors and leave normal cells untouched. There are several options for prostate cancer treatment. The first thing to consider is whether you have localized or advanced prostate cancer. 

Localized refers to a tumor that can be treated surgically and with radiation therapy because it has not spread outside the prostate gland. Advanced means it has spread to other parts of your body, such as lymph nodes or bones, so more aggressive treatments may be needed.

There are also different types of chemo: systemic (which affects many different organs), local (for localized tumors) and hormonal therapies (which target hormone receptors). 

  • Hormone therapy can help slow down growth in some cases but does not work on all men with prostate cancer; 
  • Cryosurgery freezes out diseased tissue without removing it from the body entirely; 
  • Radiation oncology uses high doses of X-rays to kill off tumors while leaving healthy cells unharmed; 
  • Hormone replacement therapy may help relieve symptoms like incontinence while treating underlying conditions such as diabetes mellitus type II.

Prostate cancer spreads to other body parts and is treated with radiation therapy. This can include lymph nodes, bones or lungs. Radiation may also be used if.

  • The tumor has not yet grown large enough for surgery; or
  • If surgery is not an option due to the advanced disease stage.


Prostate cancer treatment in Chennai can be cured by advanced care. Radiation therapy comes in various forms that can be used to treat prostate cancer. The type you receive depends on the stage and location of your cancer, and other factors such as your age and general health.