Whether you’ve seen it on television or in real life, CPR is something that can potentially save a life. While there may be some conflicting stats involving its success rate, it’s still a valuable tool you should know about.

After taking an initial CPR class, you’ll gain insight into the process and ways you can help someone dealing with cardiac arrest. You’ll also receive a certificate detailing your completion of the course.

But like most things, that CPR certification comes with an expiration date too. So we’ll discuss the CPR renewal process to help you stay on top of your credentials.

How Often Do CPR Certifications Have to Be Renewed?

Once you get your CPR certificate, the countdown begins. The initial qualification is good for two years, and then it will expire.

If you’re a medical professional, you never want to find yourself in a situation that calls for CPR, and you have no valid credentials. You could end up in serious legal trouble if something goes wrong.

Why is CPR Renewal Important?

CPR renewal is necessary because you might have forgotten a thing or two after the initial class. Like most skills, our ability to perform these actions declines if we don’t consistently practice them.

But by taking a renewal course, you’ll quickly be able to administer CPR and increase a person’s survival rate. If you need a reminder, see here for details on dealing with an unresponsive person.

What Does the Renewal Process Entail?

You can choose between a traditional or blended approach when you want to renew your CPR certification. However, the decision will be decided on what CPR requirements your position requires.

A traditional renewal course involves finding an in-person class and practicing hands-on training. Blended lessons teach you some skills online and then have you complete the rest in person.

After completing the required sections, you’ll have an updated CPR certification and be ready for action.

Is There Anything Else That Can Improve Your Skills?

Yes, your CPR certification will expire after two years. But you don’t want to wait every two years to upskill on your training.

Instead, try to keep up to date on your skills throughout the year. You can look for free online classes and complete them at your leisure.

The more information you have, the higher chance that you’ll be able to help a person in need. Plus, you don’t want to be faced with a situation where someone is in need and you can’t remember what to do.

Update Your CPR Certification Today

CPR renewal is essential because it gives you valid credentials. However, it’s also important because you’ll upskill and know that you’re doing the proper techniques if ever faced with that situation.

It’s always better to do something than to do nothing. So ensure you renew your certification ASAP.

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