There are a number of ways you can make the transition to a care facility easier. Some forethought and planning can help you and your loved one ease into a new living arrangement that benefits everyone.
First, it’s important to recognize that you and your loved one may have different expectations about this transition. You may be looking at the advantages of moving to a facility where he or she will have healthy meals available, a safer living environment and companionship without recognizing the very real loss he or she is facing. Recognizing this and showing empathy during this transition can make it easier on both of you.
Next, you will likely have to downsize and get rid of some possessions before or during the move into long-term care, so help your loved one choose the items that hold the most emotional value. If he or she uses something on a daily basis, try to ensure that it can be brought along. Special keepsakes, family photographs and other heirlooms can be moved along with your loved one, or you can store them safely in the meantime.
The accompanying resource provides more information about how to help your loved one feel more at home in a care facility.
Graphic created by Penner Bathing Spas.
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