One of the remarkable achievements of western civilization involves the drastic increase in people’s “life expectancy” during the past two centuries. According to estimates, twenty-five years were added to people’s lifespans in the United States during the 20th century. In 2019, Americans lived for 78.8 years on average. But these numbers are even larger in some affluent European nations today.

However, certain habits reduce your lifespan by influencing your overall well-being. Avoiding these unhealthy practices can help you live longer while retaining your mental/physical health during an ongoing global health crisis. Now, what are these habits we suggest you avoid to live more? Let’s discuss them here in detail for your know-how.

Which habits are harmful to your health?

  1. Eating junk food

In the 21st century, people have grown more accustomed to consuming processed meals/foods that don’t have any nutritional value. This change has caused more diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular ailments. So, your diet must consist of eggs, cereal, lean meats, cheese and yogurt, fruits and vegetables, and other healthier alternatives to junk food. Cut back on sugary products and stay away from red meats. That’s how you can boost your lifespan and retain your health when you’re old.

  1. Smoking/drinking excessively

We suggest people decrease alcohol consumption or nicotine addiction. Statistically speaking, smoking claims a decade off your life, whereas excessively drinking increases the risk of chronic diseases by 20%. What to do when you fail to overcome these addictions? We suggest you contact reliable institutes like the Delphi Health Group to quit this obsession. This addiction treatment institution offers services such as medical detox for rehabilitating addicts.

Overcoming your addiction can help you save your life and live longer.

  1. Being a loner

You may aspire to become a “lone wolf,” but solitude makes you more vulnerable to dying early. So, don’t forget that human beings are social animals, and we must socialize to survive in this world. To unearth more about this, search about the Japanese “Department of Loneliness” made to tackle mental health problems that arise from long-term seclusion.

It’s believed that isolation weakens your immune system and exposes you to different diseases. Therefore, make friends and add more years to your life.

  1. Worrying too much

Stress has become a grave concern for our fellow citizens since the surfacing of the pandemic. Studies have shown how almost 80% of Americans are stressed every week today. Don’t forget that mental health issues may reduce your lifespan by damaging your physical well-being. So, we suggest people learn coping tactics to control stress/anxiety. Perform stress-reducing exercises, engage in yoga, and regulate your emotions.

Don’t allow stress to overwhelm your emotions and drive you to insanity.

  1. Not reading books

When do you last recall reading a book? We’ve grown accustomed to watching things on phones or listening to podcasts in our free time. However, book-readers are reportedly healthier and far more likely to survive than non-readers. Therefore, experts suggest people read more books.

Now’s probably the right time to visit that library you couldn’t manage time to check out before. So, open your mind by reading more books.

  1. Sleeping too little

How much did you sleep last night? Experts have discovered that sleeping fewer than six hours each night puts you closer to death than those who sleep the required amount of 7-9 hours daily. Ensure that you’re resting comfortably in a dark, noiseless, and distraction-free bedroom.

Also, avoid using any electronic gadget right before sleeping and meditate before retiring to your bedroom. Nonetheless, it’s viable to contact sleep experts if you suffer from insomnia.

  1. Make travels shorter

It’s believed that a longer commute isn’t healthy for modern-day employees. Spending hours merely traveling to the workplace (while knowing that you have to come back home in the evening) impacts your well-being negatively. It’s tedious, enduring, and tiresome for workers to survive long-distance commutes – especially working women. Studies indicate that women with a long-distance commute have shorter lifespans than women with a short-distance commute. So, change your work habits.

  1. Not flossing punctually

Dentists are right about how flossing saves you from different ailments. Studies have confirmed that not flossing leads to gum-related diseases, some of which are life-threatening. Moreover, one study by The Journal of Aging Research concludes that those who never flossed are 30% more likely to die than those who flossed daily. So, cater to your dental health. Visit your nearby dentist and use fewer sugary products in your diet. That’s how you can stay away from dying prematurely.

  1. Retiring prematurely

We often hear stories about people retiring in their thirties after amassing much wealth. Experts are against these premature retirements since inactivity often leads to early deaths. Research indicates that people retiring in their fifties double the threat of death compared to people who worked after turning sixty. We can assume that working in your sixties means more social exposure, thereby more mental/physical activity. That’s how working more often can save you from dying.

  1. Sitting too long

In the end, physical activity leads to early deaths. Your body needs regular exercise, without which it won’t function properly. Similarly, studies have shown that a well-established workout schedule can prevent mental health issues. So, we recommend you exercise at least thirty minutes daily.

Some studies have even claimed that fifteen minutes of moderate-intensity exercises can add three more years to your life. So, avoid adopting a sedentary lifestyle since it’s associated with early death.


Experts believe that certain lifestyle choices can increase/decrease your lifespan. They further elaborate that 60% of untimely deaths are caused by “unhealthy lifestyle factors,” including obesity, consuming unhealthy objects, staying physically inactive, and smoking/drinking excessively. We’ve described some harmful practices that may reduce your lifespan. For instance, you shouldn’t adopt a sedentary lifestyle or sacrifice your rest just for employment/entertainment. Socialize more often since a “lone wolf” doesn’t live long. Floss your teeth punctually and read some books to refurbish your thoughts. Keep stress away to retain your mental health and contact mental health experts to overcome your addictions for a healthier lifestyle.