The term orthosis originates from the Greek word “Orthos,” which means straight, straight, normal. Through this, we can define an orthosis as an exoskeletal device that is applied to one or several segments of the body to provide the best possible alignment, always seeking the functional position, that is, the most appropriate.

Orthotic treatment on PrimeCare for example can be defined as the application of external forces generated by a device used by the patient. Although this force is elaborated biomechanically, it also has significant neurological implications resulting from the impulses provided to the CNS.

The orthosis should be used as an adjunct in rehabilitation, so a well-indicated orthosis, carefully designed and appropriately adjusted, often favors therapeutic treatment. However, we must consider that the therapeutic exercise program, combined with orthotic intervention, needs to address the same problems and must be aimed at the same result, both biomechanical and neurological.

The main purposes of orthoses, among others, are to prevent the appearance of deformities, correct existing deformities that can be corrected, block and prevent abnormal movements, and reduce through their well-indicated and constant use. Orthoses can act in three ways: preventing unwanted movements, stabilizing or restricting the line of movement of one or more joints, correcting the deformity, or total or partial relief of body weight or joint.

Orthoses from orthotics and prosthetics company are devices that assist the affected limb during hand rehabilitation. They control, preserve, modify, and increase mobility to correct joint deviations and contractures, tendon retractions, treating traumatological cases (fractures, for example), rheumatological cases (rheumatoid arthritis and tendinitis) and neurological cases (cerebral palsy). Orthoses provide less painful, more modern treatments and often shorter recovery periods, enabling a faster return to work and activities of daily living such as typing, brushing teeth, or combing hair, and must be associated with exercises and therapeutic activities. , providing a more satisfactory treatment.

The types of orthoses vary according to the patient’s needs. There are static, serial static, progressive static, articulated (used to position the limb), dynamic (used to strengthen muscles), and functional (which must be prescribed after a careful assessment of the patient’s daily life activities). Regarding classification, orthoses can be prefabricated, made in series, or custom-made by the occupational therapist, respecting individual anatomical characteristics.

After its creation, it is necessary to follow up with careful observation by the occupational therapist regarding the improvement in the functional pattern with the use of the orthosis and the opinion of the patient (when possible) or family member regarding the benefit obtained.

When creating an orthosis, anatomical considerations must be respected, for example, the arches and palmar creases, bone structures, nerves, and ligaments. Joints should never be immobilized unnecessarily so as not to limit hand function.

Orthoses must always be individually related to an exercise and activity program; constant adjustments must be made.